John Kemsley

John Kemsley
Managing Director / Principal
0419 917 209

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John is founder and Managing Director of Platinum Realty Group, a modern and innovative, total solution real estate Company with a focus on delivering a 6 star real estate experience to every customer.
Starting his career in real estate in 1996, John has been recognised by his peers as a leader and a visionary with an ability to remain ahead of an ever changing real estate market. Winning acclaims by the real estate industry of WA including the Master sales person, as well as multiple Grand Master awards. John continues to work as a mentor to others and has served on boards and committees as well as speaking at numerous training events.

John’s skills, knowledge and attitude have propelled Platinum Realty Group to become one of the largest and most successful real estate brands in the Northern suburbs, providing services in property sales, management and maintenance, as well as finance, investment and settlement advice.

As well as the hands on running of Platinum which includes working closely with the Management, Sales and Property Management Teams, one of John’s greatest business achievements is attracting some of the industry’s best sales and management people to work with.

When you engage John you will engage his total commitment!